The official student newspaper of The Hockaday School

The Fourcast

The official student newspaper of The Hockaday School

The Fourcast

The official student newspaper of The Hockaday School

The Fourcast

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Diversity: For Colin Kaepernick


Staff Writer Neha Dronamraju shares her sarcastic take on Colin Kaepernick’s movement. 

There are 829 records of NFL player arrests to date, many based on accusations of domestic abuse, sexual assault and other first-degree felonies. In 2012, Patriots’ tight end, Aaron Hernandez killed two men in a drive-by shooting, but was only convicted of murder a year later after perpetrating a second incident of the same nature. In February of 2014, Ray Rice was arrested and charged with simple assault. An elevator surveillance camera caught him dragging out his unconscious fiancée – he was indicted for third-degree assault in March that same year.

Granted, these acts of misconduct are condemnable, but in my unabashedly American opinion, they are nothing compared to the depravity we’ve seen in football this past year.

It has been 96 patriotic years since the outset of the NFL, 96 patriotic years since the birth of this patriotic country’s greatest, most patriotic accomplishment. This August, we witnessed the most sacrilegious repudiation of the very patriotism we were founded upon. Manslaughter, domestic violence and rape are ludicrous crimes in comparison to the atrocity that is kneeling during the national anthem.

Colin Kaepernick, the bane of our society, thought it would be a good idea to start a silent, non-violent protest of America’s “racial oppression.” His so-called movement is laughable because he’s protesting a problem (police brutality) that doesn’t exist. Sure, at least 67 people have been killed by police since Kaepernick started kneeling, but do you know how many white officers were killed on duty in the same time period? Probably more than 67.

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The flag is a symbol of our country’s ideal beginnings. Our ancestors generously embraced and befriended those who already inhabited the land that they respectfully hijacked; they cordially invited their counterparts over in Africa, provided them with enormous job opportunity and equal treatment and extended this same benevolence for the rest of time. The flag is a symbol of many men and women who have died defending the rights highlighted in the Constitution. They sacrificed their lives so that every American citizen, with the exception of Kaepernick, can enjoy these rights.

Anyone who doesn’t stand up and show some respect for our great nation can go back to where they came from.

I hope Kaepernick never enjoys privilege again. If I had my way, I would make sure that he deals with micro aggressions and racial slurs on a daily basis, lives in constant fear that he could be unjustly murdered because of his skin color, and I hope that by starting a peaceful protest, he evokes the same reaction from the masses as Hernandez and Rice did when they respectively murdered and abused innocent people. He deserves everything detrimental coming his way because, well, I don’t know… he seems like a bad dude.


Commentaries are the expressed opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect that of The Fourcast staff, its adviser or any member of the Hockaday community.

– Neha Dronamraju – Asst. A&E Editor –

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  • J

    Jaime MeskeNov 1, 2016 at 9:59 pm

    I really enjoyed reading this! You perfectly capture the essence of this asinine anti-Kaepernick reaction and I’m impressed that you could present such a powerful point in a humorous way. Kudos to you and keep writing these blog posts, you’ve got a fan in me!