The official student newspaper of The Hockaday School

The Fourcast

The official student newspaper of The Hockaday School

The Fourcast

The official student newspaper of The Hockaday School

The Fourcast

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2020 with STUCO


//PICTURED ABOVE: STUCO upholds their 2019-2020 theme of connection by making New Year’s resolutions. 

2020! It is a new year and that means new goals. People make New Year’s resolutions to continue good practices, change undesired habits or accomplish a personal goal to improve their life. Here are some examples of a few Student Council members’ resolutions for inspiration. 

Menaka Naidu, Student Council President, has come up with two goals rather than “New Year’s Resolutions.” Naidu’s first goal is to spend less time on her phone and electronics in general, especially at school so she can engage with friends and peers. Her second goal is to get to school earlier in the mornings.

“I especially want to do this while at school because I want to spend my free time engaging with my friends and peers, rather than my phone, as this is our last semester together before we graduate in May,” Naidu said. 

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Vice President Arushi Mukherjee has made two New Year’s resolutions: removing red meat and dairy products from her diet to be more conscious of her impact on the environment, and spending more time with her family and friends before going to college. 

“I always feel like New Year’s resolutions are hard because we put so much pressure on them, so I try to make a resolution whenever I feel like it’s necessary,” Mukherjee said. 

Eliana Goodman, the Fourcast Editor-in-Chief, has made three resolutions for 2020: Make her bed every morning; put more intention into her thoughts and actions and have a put-together appearance to boost her confidence; and incorporate intention into her daily life. 

“Especially as senior year begins to come to a close, I really want to practice thoughtfulness and gratitude in my daily life,” Goodman said.  

Gina Miele, Community Service Board Chair, did not make New Year’s Resolutions but instead set a broad goal. 

“This year, I’m trying to be kinder, both to others and myself,” Miele said. “I try to do a kind act every day, such as talking with someone I don’t usually spend much time with or writing notes telling others how much I appreciate them. Little acts like this are much more achievable for me than a grand goal.”

The senior class president, Karen Lin, has made two New Year’s Resolutions. Lin hopes to spend less time on her phone and social media and spend more time with her family and friends. Her second resolution is to carve out more time to read because it is something she has always enjoyed.

“It’s a process,” Lin said.

Richa Kapoor, chair of the Student Diversity Board, has only set one goal for the year so it is more manageable. 

“This year I wanted to focus on self-care for my body and mind. Whether that be working out more, eating cleaner, or just taking time out of my day to destress, I think it is a good, achievable goal,” Kapoor said. “You can never do too much self-care!”

Form II class president Remy Finn has made many New Year’s Resolutions for 2020. Finn’s resolutions are to reduce screen time, manage schoolwork better, get more sleep, and lastly read more books.

“I like the idea of a fresh start and a new beginning,” Finn said. “Although it will be difficult to maintain my resolutions, I’m going to try to keep them up and continue to meet my goals!”

Setting a few resolutions or even just one goal can help provide motivation, beat procrastination, and better a person’s attitude toward the future year. Goals push individuals to be the best version of themselves and can determine their future.  

For those who are worried about not following a goal, here’s a quote from Bruce Lee for you. “A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at.” 

Story by Julia Donovan

Photo provided by Joni Palmer

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