Hypewomen hone student spirit

Senior duo boosts appreciation for athletes


provided by Ava Tribolet

Ambyr Baker

In Fall 2021, alumnae Landry Grover ‘22 and Brooke Adams ‘22 created the Hockaday Hypewoman, a social media duo promoting Upper School spirit for athletes. To continue this tradition, seniors Ava Tribolet and Payton Arbaugh were selected by Grover and Adams as the 2022-23 Hockaday Hypewomen.

Athletic Board Chair Carmen Duque-Diaz said there has been a noticeable difference since the Hypewomen were initiated. Because school administration does not permit teams to run their own instagrams, the Hypewomen’s approved social media updates keep the student body informed.

“They add a fun connection to athletics that is student centered,” Diaz said. 

Arbaugh said that spirit is especially important for the school’s morale. After handling the academic rigors of any week, students should make time for themselves to decompress and to have fun supporting their peers. 

Arbaugh said she looked forward to this opportunity because she enjoys going to events and dressing in theme.

“One day, I got a text from Landry (Grover) in all caps that said, ‘You have been chosen to be a Hockaday Hype Woman, do you accept?,” Arbaugh said. “I was so excited about this opportunity because I love spirit weeks and making myself look like a fool.” 

Tribolet was inspired to join the group because she noticed that athletics did not receive enough attention from the Upper School.

“I used to be on the Athletic Board through freshman and junior year, so I know from that experience the history of sports not getting enough representation,” Tribolet said. “I asked myself, ‘How can I be a part of helping Hockaday Athletics?’ and I decided that this will become my way of making change.”

Both Arbaugh and Tribolet draw a direct link between school spirit and athletic performance. 

“If you look at last year’s results, it was our first time back since COVID, and we had insane school spirit,” Arbaugh said. “Students showed up to so many events to ‘protect the meadow,’ and the athletes, in turn, earned five SPC titles, a state title, and the Athletic Director’s cup, the most in school history.”