My first-time experience at Hockaday

I came here as a fresh-woman, let me tell you all about it!

Anjy Fadairo

Rating: 8.25/10 

Would recommend with caveats to be disclosed in the following article. 

Who am I? What do I really want out of life? Why am I here?

No, I have not hacked into your brain and stolen your post-mistake thoughts. I’ve condensed my freshwoman brain’s three greatest hits into three questions.

Since I was a toddler, it has been a dream of mine to “help people” – to do something that positively impacts the world. Now, I think I’m one step closer, because of the school I chose. 

My first few weeks as a freshwoman at Hockaday were filled with gawking.

Admiring the pendulum, admiring the smell of Penson (I’m serious!), admiring the food. 

But eventually, reality knocked my rose-colored glasses off my face and made my fairy tale expectations of my all girl’s school slightly less magical and glittery.

As I live far from Hockaday, I found myself chronically sleep deprived.

I found myself performing mental contortion routines to place each assignment into the meager 24 hours of a day.

I found myself contemplating where my priorities fit into this newfound stress culture.

However, being a first-year at Hockaday was a really special time that allowed (actually… forced) me to expand my horizons dramatically.

In fact, my comfort zone became an enigma to me because I perpetually failed to stay near it.

I gained access to intense, thought-provoking material taught by incredible teachers.

As a lover of learning, this was a joyous hallmark of each of my days.

Next, I gained a fabulous sisterhood. Even though this is often mentioned in brochures and admissions events, the Hockaday community is truly a unique one. It’s so special to surround yourself such an amusing, insanely (x10) talented, dedicated and bright group of students.

Also, as a member of Hockaday’s Black Student Union, I gained another sisterhood.

I was immediately warmly welcomed into BSU as though they’d been waiting for me for years. Having this cultural group was and continues to be so encouraging, empowering, and comforting.

It’s been such an honor to be able to talk to, learn from, and grow with such a magnificent group of encouraging Black students from several reaches of the diaspora.

Finally, being a student here opened doors for me that I previously never knew existed.

As an ambitious and curious person, I’ve always wanted to explore everything and do everything to the best of my ability, and coming to Hockaday allowed my curiosity and ambition to thrive.

Whether it be off-campus lectures or athletic competitions, there’s something special for everyone here.

I was a by this cascade of opportunities before I even started my first year (I kid you not – my inbox was jam-packed during the summer).

While it was far from perfect, I am very grateful for my first-year experience.

Since then, Hockaday has remained a place for me to grow and explore my character.

When I’m not conjugating or researching current affairs, I continue to explore my passions and continue aiming to positively impact my community.

Go Daisies!



(PS. Stay tuned for an article about my second year @ Hockaday in the next few months 🙂 )