Should the government be involved in health care?
The state of health care in the United States has been a centerpiece of political conversations for decades. Hear what students thin about government involvement in the health care system.
January 29, 2023
Should the government be more involved in health care?
I think the government’s responsibility is to be involved in health care in the sense that they should protect health care, and that’s as far as it should go. However, Roe v. Wade was protected at one time under the amendment that protects the right to privacy. Once health care becomes a very personal thing, for example, trans health care or women’s rights to autonomy, the government shouldn’t be involved.
What are the pros/cons of funding health care for everyone?
People who are less financially advantaged are at a loss for health care in our current society.

Does the government have any systems in place that you think are working?
Medicare is a big one that has been working. Even without the government having to establish huge programs for health care, the least they can do, which sometimes ends up being the most, is just pass a law that allows people to access health care.
What issues do you see with the current health care system?
It affects financially underprivileged people, and financial status is something that can intersect with a lot of other identifiers such as race and gender.
What could the government do differently regarding health?
The government should pass more laws allowing greater access to health care as well as protect the right to privacy when it comes to personal health care.
What is the best/worst part of the American health care system, for you?
The worst part of American health care is the politicization of it, and how parties value their interests over people’s actual health care. Especially with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, there are politicians against it that have funded abortions themselves. It makes you wonder whether they actually believe in the things they’re advocating for or if they’re simply pushing a political agenda.
Should the government be more involved in health care?
I don’t believe the government should be more involved in health care because people need to take more responsibility for their health. If the government gets more involved with health care, we run into the issues of who will pay for it and how.
What are the pros and cons of funding health care for everyone?
A con is that people will be dependent on the government for their health and not themselves, and the pro is that it will help people who have health issues that are outside of their control.

Does the government have any systems in place that you think are working?
Medicare is working for the government because it currently provides retired people with affordable health care.
What issues do you see with the current health care system?
I am concerned that companies are profiting from America’s poor health. I think there is a lack of transparency on what health care really costs.
What could the government do differently regarding health care?
More transparency on the cost of health care would be ideal. For example, if someone needed a surgery, they would be able to receive transparent information on what the surgery will entail and what it will cost.
What is the best/worst part of the American health care system for you?
For my family’s health care, I don’t see any issues with the American system. Could it be more balanced? Definitely, but for this to happen I believe we need more education for younger generations on the nuances of health care.