ISAS: From All Angles" />
The official student newspaper of The Hockaday School

The Fourcast

The official student newspaper of The Hockaday School

The Fourcast

The official student newspaper of The Hockaday School

The Fourcast

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ISAS: From All Angles

THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS A student adds to the art on the bus which was provided for ISAS participants to paint. Photo by Caitlin

Junior Sydney shares her account of the annual ISAS festival at Greenhill

Stepping off the bus and walking onto the Greenhill campus for ISAS is somewhat like being Dorothy and entering munchkin land. But instead of munchkins, there are hipsters. Also like munchkin land, different scenes jump out.

Therefore, my first list—

The five things you will see at Greenhill ISAS:

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1. People playing “ninja freeze” or Frisbee—who said artsy kids can’t be sporty too?

2. Either non-prescription, prescription Ray—Bans or a plaid shirt.

3. Someone taking a picture of a peacock—to be instagramed later.

4. A jam session under a tree playing a rendition of some “Black Keys” song.

5. An impromptu rap circle.

Last year, ISAS was held in Alberquerque, so girls endured a lengthy bus trip and stayed in the hotel for the festival. This year at Greenhill, we enjoyed the luxury of sleeping in our own beds. Junior Maddie, who attended ISAS for Hockadance and the musical, said, “I thought the location was pretty awesome, no peacocks were tortured and you got to go home and sleep in your own bed, so it worked out well for all.”

Freshman Avery, who attended for concert choir, madrigals and the musical, agreed that “the vibe at Greenhill perfectly matched the feelings of the people at ISAS so it was a perfect location.”

The school can either make or break ISAS; they are responsible for everything from the atmosphere to the food. Greenhill met all these expectations easily. Four time ISAS-attendee senior and Fine Arts Board Chair Regen, who went for improv, musical and choir, said “Greenhill is always really enthusiastic about ISAS which made it really enjoyable.”

The most important part of ISAS is the collection of performances and work from schools all around coming together to showcase their talent. Although Hockaday performances clearly were must-sees for daisies, students enjoyed performances from all different schools and fine arts.

“I really like looking at the visual arts,” said Maddie, “because I am a performing arts kid it was cool to see that side of the arts that I never usually get to view.”

From seeing a classmate in the hallway at school every day to seeing them perform a terrific show, ISAS offers students the opportunity to get to know and appreciate their classmates’ talent more.

“I like seeing passionate and involved performances with people who are really dedicated to their fine art because the commitment makes the performance,” said Regen.

The performances aren’t the only thing to love about ISAS, for three days students get to plan their entire days with almost no restrictions. The ultimate monotony breaker, ISAS is the perfect mix of incredibly exciting and peacefully relaxing to provide a nice change near the end of the school year.

“Every day I woke up not knowing what I was exactly going to do or see,” said junior Catherine, Studio Art student, “the spontaneity of every moment made ISAS so much fun.”

The excitement also extended to the freshman, who had their first time experiencing the awesomeness of ISAS. “My favorite part of ISAS is the freedom of being able to choose to see all these talented performances from different schools and being able to essentially create your own schedule,” Avery said.

Because there are so many things amazing about ISAS here is another list.

The top 5 things about ISAS:

1. Food trucks—from shaved ice to burritos, not even a Hockaday girl could be hungry.

2. Meeting new people—yay for more Facebook friends!

3. The atmosphere of support and fun.

4. The DJ Dance Party—despite the sweat, a rave with a thousand kids has to be fun.

5. However, one image surpasses all these, even the food trucks. “At the DJ Dance Party, Ms. Bonnie Jean came out to dance with us,” said Regen. “That was definitely a highlight.”

At the center of campus, Greenhill providing three types of cars. One was a car that looked like it was covered in bricks, one was a car that was under-water themed, and the last was a plain white school bus. These artsy automobiles provided a great center piece to capture the spirit of the festival.

“The white bus that people could paint on was a great idea,” said Catherine, “it offered a way for not only people from different schools but also different fine arts to bond. It didn’t matter if you could draw or not, everyone contributed.”

Parting from ISAS is always such a sweet sorrow, but for seniors this was the last time to spend three days lounging and enjoying a festival completely dedicated to the appreciation of the fine arts.

“I going to miss the spirit, the fun of having those three days completely celebrating the arts, the wristbands, the jam sessions, just everything,” said Regen.

The guitars are packed up, the artsy clothes are hung, and pictures were posted, so until next year we must be hipster all by our lonesome.

– Sydney

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