- The no homework weekend of Oct. 26-28 falls on the same weekend as the St. Mark’s homecoming game and dance. Art by Tiffany
No-homework weekends are something all Hockaday girls look forward to. It gives us time to relax and saves us the worries of reading 20 pages of our world history textbook or studying for a chemistry test.
“I like no-homework weekends a lot,” sophomore Kenya said. “I think we should have them more often because it is nice to give us a break because we get tons of homework during the week and have things to do on the weekend.”
They also allow us to step back, take a break from homework and start fresh the next week. We can get more sleep on Sunday night because we aren’t staying up late finishing homework. A restful weekend leads to a good start for the week.
Not to mention, no-homework weekends also mean a decreased homework load towards the end of the week. Because Hockaday’s block schedule means classes alternate each day, teachers cannot assign homework on Thursday as it would be due on Monday. If you plan accordingly, your no-homework weekend can extend from Thursday to Monday. That’s five days of no homework.
“I get more sleep, I’m not as stressed and I get to catch up on all my TV shows,” freshman Berkley said. “There are really no cons to no-homework weekends.”
No-homework weekends are especially nice when there is a school event that weekend. This year’s no-homework weekend could not have come at a better time. The first quarter ended on Wednesday and the St. Mark’s homecoming game and dance are this Friday, Oct. 26 and Saturday, Oct. 27, respectively. For some Hockadaisies, this will mean not having to worry about finding time to finish homework while prepping (for a few hours at least) for homecoming or dancing at the party.
However, no-homework weekends don’t always guarantee absolutely no homework. For example, there could be a test on Wednesday or project due Friday that you have to study for and work on.
But even if you only have less homework than usual, it is still refreshing and gives girls time to reset over the weekend. The small break without tons of homework gives us something to look forward to towards the end of the week—other than just being the weekend.