The official student newspaper of The Hockaday School

The Fourcast

The official student newspaper of The Hockaday School

The Fourcast

The official student newspaper of The Hockaday School

The Fourcast

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What initially interested you in beauty pageants? Roberts: When I was six I joined the Miss America Organization. This program is for girls...

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Senior Splash Day
Senior Splash Day
May 13, 2024

A Day in the Life of Jessica Kramer

A Day in the Life of Jessica Kramer

 The Fourcast takes a look into the life of Upper School Attendance Coordinator Jessica Kramer.


 5 a.m.

I’m up at 5, and I work out with two of my three sisters every morning. Then I go home, make sure everybody is dressed and head to school.

7:45 a.m.

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I’m [at school] where I open up the of­fice, put the day up so we know what day it is, make sure the lunch [menu] is out and I make sure the senior sign out book is out. I start listening to phone messag­es and checking emails for anyone who might be leaving early.

9 a.m.

I run a daily attendance report to see if there is anyone who has been marked absent in a class that I don’t know about, and then I start the search. If there is someone that I don’t know where they are, I’ll email the teacher and ask if they ever showed up or if they were just tardy. If the teacher says that they never showed up, then I call home, and if I can’t get any­one at home, I’ll try cell phones to try and track everyone down. It’s not easy.

11:45 a.m.

At Conference there is a big rush of kids — everyone checking out for either doctor’s appointments or community service. They all have to check out with me and everybody has to get a permit to leave campus, or else Keif will catch you and not let you leave. Then, they all slow­ly trickle back in.

2 p.m.

I send a list to all of the Physical Edu­cation and Fine Arts people about who has been sick, whether they were sick all day, came in and left early because they were sick or came in late because they were sick. That goes to Physical Educa­tion and Fine Arts because if you were sick at any point of the day and missed an academic class, you can’t participate in extracurriculars.

2:30 p.m.

On Y period days, it gets a little nutty in here with everyone leaving for ap­pointments, and on Fridays during Y Pe­riod, seniors can now leave without per­mission from parents — they can sign out in the senior book and they can leave, so that can get a little crazy in here.

3:45 p.m.

I run a couple of different reports. I run a class status report that tells me who missed what classes, if they were tardy and teachers also put in if they were out of uniform and, if they were, what kind of uniform infraction it was. I also run a daily status report and that goes out to all of the teachers so they know kids who weren’t here, and it also has the reason why they weren’t here, like if they left early or came in late, whatever that is.

4:30 p.m.

Depending on the day, I’m either tak­ing one [of my kids] to gymnastics or an­other one to her TRX (Total Body Resis­tance Exercise) class.

8 p.m.

I pick everybody up from those ac­tivities, and we all finally have dinner around probably 8 p.m. because my older daughter doesn’t finish with gymnastics until 7:30 p.m.

– Meghan Philips, Features Editor

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