Food Committee Comes to Light
Director of Food Services Torie Reynolds and members of the Food Committee share their goals for this school year
You may have identified a few changes to the cafeteria at the start of this year: dessert only on Fridays and the movement of the sandwich bar, to name a couple.
But you may not know the impetus for these changes. Director of Food Services Torie Reynolds has the answers.

At the end of last school year, Reynolds created the Food Committee, made up of 15 Hockaday students ranging from grades 9-12.
“We felt like we didn’t have enough voice from [the students] about food and ways to make it more interactive. We want the girls to be involved,” Reynolds said.
The central purpose of the Committee is to tailor the menu to fit the desires of the students.
“We got some input on what to take off the menu so that was helpful,” Reynolds said.
At their first meeting, each of the girls was given a list of Hockaday’s menus.
“We had to go around and see what people liked and disliked on the menus,” said junior Lily, a member of the Food Committee.
This information was used to create the new-and-improved menu. The removed entrees included shepherd’s pie, buffalo sloppy joes, and fish sliders.
Since the menu was renovated and the school year began, Reynolds and the rest of the kitchen staff have noticed a big increase in the quantity of food being eaten.
The members of the committee did not apply for their positions. Rather, they were selected by administrators last spring and notified of their membership.
“We had contacted the heads of all the divisions and we asked them who they thought would be willing to give input, be outspoken, and had an interest in food,” Reynolds said. “We wanted enthusiasm.”
So far, no additional girls have been admitted to the committee, although Reynolds is not opposed to the idea.
“The more opinions we can get the better, as long as everyone gets to be heard.”
Reynolds said she is considering providing a sign-up sheet or offer a contest to decide who will gain admittance on to this committee.
However, even if you are not in the committee, there are still ways to get your opinions out there.
“I occasionally listen to the comments in line, and I also read the comments that are posted in ‘Let’s Eat’ [on First Class],” Reynolds said.
At the Food Committee’s first meeting, Reynolds is ready to start implementing her goals for this school year.
“[The girls on the committee] are going to come up with some ideas to make lunch and menu planning more interactive,” Reynolds said, “so we are thinking recipe contests or maybe specialty menus that tie into what the students are studying.”
Senior Callie said she is looking forward to the coming year on the Food Committee, especially the recipe contest. She enjoyed the first meeting, where they “exchanged [their] ideas and goals… and discussed some great improvements for the cafeteria.”
“It’s just nice to know that you’re actually making a difference,” said Christina, a freshman on the committee.