George W. Bush once said, “I do not believe the promises of the Declaration of Independence are just for the strong, the independent, the healthy. They are for everyone – including unborn children.” While the humaneness of this statement cannot be questioned, its pragmatism may warrant debate.
The right to life is guaranteed by our Constitution, but the definition of life extends beyond just living and breathing.
Indeed, scientifically, a fetus is alive – and so are plants. From a rational standpoint, how does one define life? What distinguishes us from botanical organisms? I believe it is the power of thought. When a decision involves a fully functional, thinking woman and a partially developed entity, it is only logical that the choice lies with the woman.
There is no doubt that abortion is heartbreaking. A baby dies. The emotional damage it causes is horrifying. But in the end, who deals with that damage and repercussion? An unborn fetus, or its mother? It is entirely the woman’s choice whether she wants to keep her baby or not.
There are also many grim circumstances that lead to a need for abortions. Instances of rape, incest, emotional and familial instability, deteriorating health and extreme stress have all called for reevaluating the decision of giving birth to a child.
Planned Parenthood is an organization that helps women in these trying situations. On October 19, Texas announced that it would be cutting off Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood clinics with the hope that it will reduce the number of abortions. In reality, it is counterproductive for the antiabortionist agenda.
One of the sensible, safe ways to reduce the abortion rate is to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies. Planned parenthood supplies birth control and vital sex education to help women make safe choices. In fact, according to Politico, only 12.6% of Planned Parenthood’s 2.6 million clients use abortion services. The rest rely on them for healthcare and education. Defunding Planned Parenthood would also significantly affect these people.
In addition, weakening Planned Parenthood does not mean that women will cease to get abortions. They will just be forced to turn to unsafe abortion clinics for the procedure, which could lead to severe health repercussions for the mother and possibly the loss of two lives, not just one.
I believe that Planned Parenthood and all the services they offer, which includes abortions, are nothing but beneficial to this country and its women, who need a safe place to exercise a critical choice.
Commentaries are the expressed opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect that of The Fourcast staff, its adviser or any member of the Hockaday community.
– Neha Dronamraju – Staff Writer –